Welcome to (REDACTED) Open House 2023!

If you're here, then it means that you're in it to win prizes!

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Tips to win prizes in this CTF

Remember: You must register on the CTF platform first to be eligible for prizes!


Submit as many flags as you can find through out your tour with us today! Flags will be revealed through different opportunities at the open house today. A valid flag would look something like this: flag{EXAMPLE_FLAG} flag{02_WOWS0CR3AT1V3}


Interact with people at (REDACTED)! They might just drop you some hints and opportunities to get more flags along the way!


There are 4 flags here and 1 flag on (REDACTED)'s Twitter/LinkedIn page! The rest, you'll find out along the way during your tour ;D


Interesting stuffs!

(REDACTED) was founded in




Regional Offices

(REDACTED)'S Services

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Managed Security Services

Operates intelligence-led advanced detection, threat hunting and response services


Provides insights on how organisations can enhance their security posture across their cybersecurity lifecycles

Systems Integration

Architects and deploys advanced cybersecurity solutions that bolster defences


Performs deep research to develop next-generation solutions for enhanced early warning detection capabilities

Call To Action

There is a urgent lack in the cybersecurity sector. Will you commit to secure our cyber space?


We hope that all of you will have a fruitful networking and insightful experience with us through this open house!